-15 shrimps (with heads attached)
-7-9 perilla frutescens leaves 
-3-7 tablespoons of soy sauce
-1 tablespoon of oil
-a pinch of salt
-2 cups of water
-rice cooker or pan or wok
-steaming rack

1. Pour the shrimps into the sink. For each shrimp, take out the shell and get rid of everything except for the skin part of its head and tail. If possible, leave the shrimp blood inside its head.
2. Use a knife and cut across the back of each shrimp, exposing its vein.
3. Rinse the shrimps thoroughly and carefully. Try not to wash away the shrimp blood.
4. Put the washed shrimps in a dish that is alleviated slightly at an angle so that unnecessary water will slide to one part of the dish.
5. Once all the shrimps are washed and put in the dish, cover the shrimps with one hand and empty the water from the dish.
6. Gather about 7-9 perilla frutescens leaves and wash them.
7. Chop up the perilla frutecens leaves into tiny pieces. It is best if they are chopped into a paste.
8. Add the chopped perilla frutescens leaves to the shrimps.
9. Add 1 tablespoon of oil, 3-7 tablespoons of soy sauce, and a pinch of salt.
10. Mix all the ingredients and the shrimps together. Then, spread the shrimps out evenly on the dish.
11. Pour 2 cups of water into a rice cooker and put the steaming rack in.
12. Put the dish of shrimps on top of the steaming rack.
13. Steam for 5-6 minutes.
